The Estate of my Grandmother, an Alleged Incapacitated Person
A case of Elder abuse, impropriety and conflicts of interest.
In the transcript I take the stand to answer questions about why my stepmother should not be guardian of my grandmother. The lawyer representing my stepmother a Mr. Jaskowiak is going to ask me some questions about a release that I had obtained in order to find more information that would be pertinent to stopping my stepmother from declaring my Grandmother incapacitated. I was given some access to my Grandmother and was able to get her to a notary public to get a formal release signed and notarized so that I could establish facts from the fiction that we and the court have been provided.
On page 50 of the transcript an exchange begins as I am cross examined by Mr. Jaskowiak.
Q. Mr. Landis, To whom have you provided this release that you've just referenced?
A. I have provided it to the ******** National Bank, to Life Quest, to Dr. Vasta and a few other doctors.
Q. Who are those other doctors, do you recall?
A. Dr. Elaskowitz, I believe her name is, the eye doctor, and there was another issue concerning my father's suicide.
Q. And did you receive any records from any of these entities or individuals?
A. From the ******** National Bank I did receive records.
Q. When did you receive those records?
A. I don't have the date offhand. I could find --
Q. Was that within the last month?
A. No. I believe my access to that information was stopped. They were concerned about -- I'm not sure if Rosie had put a stop to it because Life Quest had contacted Rosemarie to ask if they could give me the information that I was requesting. Rosemarie refused to allow me to have that information. So then when I visited with them, Rosie got very upset with me in my Grandmother's house. That's the episode where she had threatened to leave, but then she had produced for me a receipt of the date when my Grandmother was admitted to Life Quest.
Q. Do you now --
A. Supposedly --
Q. I'm sorry. Do you now understand that request for any information or records of discussion with doctors can only be made by those people that this court appoints and authorizes, do you now understand that as you're sitting here today?
A. I didn't know that prior or at this time has the judge directed me in that direction.
Q. If the court appoints guardians, whoever that may be, if the court appoints guardians, are you willing to abide by the court's directives and only allow those guardians to make those requests for records of information, whether it's about your Grandmother's medical condition or her financial status, are you willing to go through those guardians and go through those guardians only?
A. If there is a need to do that, I would do that through the court. At the time I didn't have any special instruction.
Q. I just want to make sure that you understand that that is the procedure. Do you now understand that is the procedure? I'm representingto you that it is when a guardian is appointed.
A. I am listening and I'm paying close attention.
Q. Do you understand that?
A. Yes.
Mr. Jaskowiak: Thank you, your honor.
The court: Anything else, Mr. Shelly?
Mr. Shelly: No.
The Court: Thank you, sir. you may step down.
The witness, me: Thank you.
(Witness excused.)
The Court: Is there anything else anyone wishes to present at this time?
Mr. Jaskowiak: No, your honor. We've submitted a proposed final decree. I have another copy here which has also been given to Mr. Shelly, it's the same thing.
The Court: You may submit that if you wish, and I will accept it at this time. However, I am going to take this matter under advisement and we'll be issuing a decree at a later time.
Mr. Jaskowiak: I appreciate that, your honor.
The Court: And I believe all the exhibits are in, but just to clarify, P-1 through P-5 are admitted into the record.
Mr. Jaskowiak: Thank you.
The Court: That concludes this matter.
Now this is only a small segment of the transcript and for the purpose of clarity I did edit at a couple of spots...
To me this is quite the exchange of words, I would love to take the time to reveal all of the testimony but my point that I am required to follow proper court procedure, me a layman and after all as the transcript and proceeding is titled this is an Alleged Incapacitated Person. How incapacitated do you have to be in order to lose your rights as a citizen and the right to make decisions, if the notary didn't find my Grandmother so incapacitated, how about the restaurant owners and the people who witnessed us dining out?
To what degree does my Grandmother suffer and does depression being ruled by my stepmother have an effect upon my Grandmother. Has my stepmother emotionally abused my Grandmother by putting her in a nursing home and leaving my Grandmother there for a prolonged period of time. What about the lies that my stepmother has been telling to people?
The next day I went to my Grandmother's house where my stepmother called the police to have me removed for according to my stepmother I was trespassing. While talking to the police my stepmother spoke of how she wanted to kill me and could not be responsible for her actions if I was to enter into the house.
Before leaving the police officer asked me if I would object to my Grandmother being put in an Alzheimer's facility? I wonder why he felt the need to ask that simple question? How long until Rosie has my Grandmother once again put into a nursing home for the aged so that Rosie can acquire my Grandmother's estate?
What really bothers me is that Rosie has possession of the gun that my father used to commit suicide and she presented a note to me but instead of handing the note over to the police she thought only of obtaining the hand gun... Do I take the threat that Rosie could cause me physical harm seriously? I sent a letter to the Judge asking for a PFA (Protection From Abuse) the Judge C. Theodore Fritsch Jr. sent me a letter in response to my letter writing to me that my contact with him was inappropriate. So how do I make a request from the court if my contact with the court is inappropriate?
Here is the big problem for the Judge. The Honorable C. Theodore Fritsch, Jr., J. was once a prosecutor and prosecuted the case found at this link.
UJSPortal.PA Courts. US
What happens in this case is I am asked to plead guilty so that Richard Kramer gets less of a sentence. The lawyer providing my defense is William Roeger who actually helps Richard Kramer who happens to be the brother of a Ronald Kramer, I didn't know Ronald at the time, but later found out that Ronald who had lived near my Grandparents had actually committed a crime against my Grandparents tampering with their mail and hiding out on their property. Ronald was later sent to Graterford Prison on charges of assault.
What is key is that the Kramers are really nice people for the most of them. I am employed where Rich's brother and cousin worked and where his father had worked in management until Russ Sr. passed away from battling with cancer. Richie and George were not out to cause harm and get us into trouble, in that case I was guilty because of my association with them, they lied to me and convinced me that we had permission to be on the property that we were on and doing what it was that we were doing. I was so convinced that I managed to convince my friend Bill to join us. I bear the guilt of getting William into trouble.
Notice that all of this took place in Judge Ruth C. Dietrich's court room. The name of that Judge should sound familiar, she was the Judge that reprimanded Detective Randall Scott Floyd for his lying in her court room.
Is this a small world? I made a mistake by associating with the wrong people a long time ago and I fell into the trap of believing the lies that I was told. Now it seems that Judge C. Theodore Fritsch Jr. is also the victim of the same troubles and to boot it looks like I'm being punished 29 years after the fact for a crime that I repented of. The fact is that I paid my debts, fines and have this on my record but I really didn't do anything wrong, at the time we were not told to leave that property as the record indicates we were not defiantly trespassing, we were actually caught in a legal trap.
I would say that the information provided in this link:
MyLot Discussions Exposing Corruption in the Court System
Gives good cause for this Judge C. Theodore Fritsch Jr. to have recused himself from this matter.
I was worried in the November 25th court hearing that the lawyer supposedly working for my Grandmother was not working with me, and that he had a conflict of interest in her best interest by not working also with me. The lawyer Mr. Shelly his wife and my mother might be friends and they had to send my mother a letter to request my property be returned to me that she had removed from my house. Mr. Shelly then billed my wife for his services and would not help me any further. Many lawyers have refused to help me, I am very frustrated with the court system and the injustices that are covered up as innocent people are constantly getting hurt.
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