Saturday, October 22, 2005




I was trying to make a right turn after waiting for the green light, which was waiting for traffic to come from the other direction and that traffic had to come and cross over that stop line or mark on the roadway. Well now, that the traffic was at the otherwise empty intersection and was interfering with my progress, I couldn't complete my turn. I had to wait for the man to back up his car so I could proceed. The car tailgating me through the intersection didn't expect me to have to stop and she nearly rear ended me and she was rear ended by the car behind her. I saw the impact and thought that I was crashed into. So I tell the man that just backed up that he needed to stay because, I felt that he was responsible and the cause of the accident. I told him to stay put. I went to the back of my truck to check on the people involved in the crash, and make sure if I was involved or not. I wasn't, but I was a witness with information to offer at the scene of the accident.

Who was charged with the only violation cited at that accident scene?

To view a picture of the truck and read a little more of the story you can follow this link...


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