A journal or time line of events and more
To: The disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
From: Gary J. Landis
Submitted on 7/28/03
A Time line of events surrounding this Accident and Court Hearing
4-15-01 Sat.
My family and I attended the memorial service for Mark Wieder my daughter’s 4th grade teacher and his wife who were killed in an auto accident during an Easter vacation outing.
Thursday approx. 4:30 P.M. an accident occurs behind the truck due to the negligence of the driver for whom I had to stop for in front of the truck where I had to wait for said driver to back up.
11:30 A.M. My dispatcher informs me he received a phone call earlier and that the man on the other end identified himself as a Detective Floyd of the Telford Police Department and that he was issuing a citation to me for Disorderly Conduct for the accident the night before. And that Mr. Floyd wanted to know if I had reported the incident.
6:10 P.M. I called the Telford Police Department and spoke with an officer Fox who seemed surprised that I was being issued a citation for Disorderly Conduct and asked if I had used profanity in a public place? I also asked for names of officers at the scene, and of the chief and the hours that he could be reached. I also asked for the accident report #.
10:15 A.M. I called the Telford Police Department to speak with the Chief. Detective Floyd took my call he explained that he would not stop a citation particularly if he felt it was warranted. He explained the Chief would not be in for 2 days. And I asked for the name of the local D.A. He gave me the name of Bruce Castor and his ph. # 610-278-3090.
As soon as we hung up the phone I realized that I should maybe have asked about his recollection of the Ford P.U. F150. I only received an answering machine, which directed me to call Mont. Co. Dispatch. Which I did they told me to try the station # again. And if I didn’t get through to call them back, which I had to. I left a message dispatch #5506 for Detective Floyd to call me back but he never did.
7:50 A.M. I explained my situation to Chief Bickle. He said he would have done the same thing that I did and that he had to talk to his Detective He said that he could not stop the citation it has to go to the J.P. where the Truth would come out and that I had a right to file charges against the Detective.
Thursday I received the citation in the mail it was mailed 4/25/01 and filed 4/24/01 wow what a shock a $200.00 fine. I couldn’t sleep that night I finally calmed down sometime after 1:00 A.M.
Fri. I arrived to work about 30 minutes later than I apologized to dispatch explaining about my shock at the citation and the amount of the fine. I asked for a statement, which he had agreed to write for me explaining that I wasn’t overdue in returning from my delivery that day. He replied that he would do that if it was ok with the boss. I requested that in my defense to the part of the charge that I was blocking and disrupting the flow of traffic.
After a long day of work I cancelled participating in the sleep over I paid for an event I was to participate with as a leader in my Church’s (1st Grade Boys) Club Program. My expense loss for this program was $13.00. Since I had some responsibilities to this event I did go and check that things were covered. I fellowshipped with them for just a bit and went home for a good night of sleep.
Sat. I woke up this morning and all I could think about was that I should counter sue.
A. Penn Dot
B. Detective Floyd
C. The Gentleman who crossed the stop line.
D. The woman who stopped so abruptly so as to cause herself to be rear-ended.
Mon. I lost about 50 minutes of work.
A. 8:45 A.M. I called District court to see if I could file a suit with them and how much it would cost.
B. First I went to the Bank to make a withdraw to cover costs.
C. Then I went to district court and spoke with Pat I asked about how much in damages I could ask for her reply up to $8,000.00 any more would have to go to a higher court. Then she explained that she would have to check with the Judge if he could hear a case where suit is filed against Penn Dot. Pat took down my work number and said she would call and let me know if I could file my suit in that manner.
D. Then I drove down to the Police Station to obtain a copy of the police report.
a. First I was asked if I wanted to pay the $15.00 fee for the accident report. I agreed to pay.
b. Then the secretary had to go to a back room for some reason? At this point I heard a resounding “No I don’t want to talk to him!”
c. The secretary came back to the window and explained that I would need to speak to the Chief about this. And that the Chief was next door at borough hall. He would be over in a minute.
d. The Chief came into the building and asked me “what did I want”. I said, “I would like a copy of the Police report please”. The Chief explained that only individuals actually involved in the accident could receive a police report, and that a copy would also get sent to the state. I asked again “I would like a copy of the Police report please”. He responded NO again he offered me some information off of the accident report. He then walked into the office, looked out the window, and said, “ Why don’t you have your lawyer subpoena this document from me.” At that I asked for the name of the Individual that rear-ended the woman. (For some reason and I didn’t know why at the time but as I was replaying the series of events in my head I must have been becoming aware of the fact that Mr. Tran was also a victim in this accident.) The Chief then looked at the report he mumbled something about this accident being a non-reportable accident and went to the copy machine and made a copy of the report he then walked to the window and handed the report to me and when I offered to pay for the report, and he refused to take my money?
E. I went back to work and Pat from district court called back, I was out dispatch gave me the message to call Pat. About 2:30 P.M. when I called Pat back she was on Lunch break. I left a message that I would call her back the following day in the morning.
6:30 P.M.
A. I read the accident report and was surprised to see that the elderly gentleman’s information was not there?
B. I called to speak with My Van Tran I couldn’t get through.
C. I called the State Police to see if they would run the License plate # of the elderly gentleman. I explained that I had no doubt the local police department wouldn’t help me in this matter. The State Police suggested that I talk to the borough councilman and he gave me a number to call that might be of service to me. (1-800-932-4600) M-F 7:00 A.M. – 9:00 P.M.
About 6:00 A.M. I called My Van Tran I spoke with a woman who didn’t speak English very well. I explained that the accident was not all Mr. Tran’s fault, and that I needed to talk to their claim handler.
Called back to District Court to speak with Pat, Barb answered and transferred me to Pat. She told me that my court date was 5/17/01 and that the Judge couldn’t hear a suit against the State, and that I needed a lawyer to do that. Then I asked if I filed suit against
A. The elderly gentleman who crossed the stop line.
B. Detective Floyd as a civilian.
C. The woman who stopped so abruptly she was rear-ended.
Pat said she would look into this and that I should call her back latter.
11:30 A.M.
A. I called back to see if I could go forward with my suit against those involved in my case. I was told to call back after 11:30 A.M. on 5/03/01.
B. I called the Telford Police Department and left a message on officer Fox’s voice mail requesting the name and address of the man who crossed the stop line I spoke of the License # DVH-1936 Pa. And I also asked to have the abrupt stop that Mrs. Allsop made included to my testimony.
7:15 P.M. I spoke with Tina Coles a State Farm Claim handler who called me of her own volition. Mr. Tran had not talked to her although she did mention that he also spoke broken English or at least someone in the house did. She left a message earlier in the day I think about 5:30 P.M. to call her back at 1-888-713-4694 ext.4170. She gave me a Reference # 3811J673706 and I gave her a deposition of the accident and events there after. Tina said my statement would be useful and that though Mr. Tran still had most of the burden of guilt for hitting the back of Mrs. Allsop’s car she was also culpable.
A. I called District Court Back about 12:30 P.M. My answer was yes the Judge would hear my complaint.
B. I called The Telford Police Department the woman in the office refused to run the plates of the elderly gentleman she said that I should call and or check with a notary.
C. I called the 1-800 # the State Police gave me and spoke with a Tonda after listening to my plea for help she explained that Federal Law Prohibited her from giving me that information and that it would also be illegal for a notary to give out that information. She advised me to seek legal advice.
D. I called Pat back and asked for her help in the matter of obtaining this information. She told me they couldn’t help. I then asked her how long the Statute of limitations would run for me to file suit she answered me with 2 years.
Fri. I completed the form to file a civil suit against the Detective since he was the only person I could legitimately go after. (I would have filed suit against the other drivers since it was their driving which brought me to this point.) I was a little late for work 15-20 minutes.
At some point in the morning I was allowed to take some time to go to District Court to file my civil suit against Detective Floyd. This took approximately 20 minutes.
In the evening of one of these days I contacted Mrs. Allsop and spoke with her husband about the accident report that I was making. I wanted to know how to properly address Mrs. Allsop, and asked to speak with her about the accident. Her husband refused to let me speak with his wife. I asked if he knew that I was cited in the incident? He told me that the police had called them and asked them not to talk with me. Then I asked Mr. Allsop to have his insurance claim handler call me I had some important information to talk to them about.
Mon. Jeff Zepp tells me that Rich’s wife was the woman who was driving the vehicle right behind the elderly gentleman and in front of the harassing pickup truck driver. He said that Rich needed to discuss this matter with me.
Dispatch tells me that Chief Bickle called to talk with Jim Nyce.
I went to talk to Rich after work and tried to explain what was going on and ask his wife to testify on my behalf. He stated her position of what she thought she saw and heard and his dislike of testifying against the police. I asked if he would discuss the matter and let me know what the answer would be.
Wed. That morning I gave dispatch a copy of my report on the situation to give to my employers’.
I saw rich leaving for his 1st delivery; I flagged him down and received a flat out no to receiving help from his wife. I tried to tell him that I had a document for his wife to read.
On my first delivery I discussed the matter with Kenny who was there making a delivery also and I asked him to make sure Rich knew about this document I had for his wife.
Latter in the day Jarrod (My Employer’s Son) mention very strongly that I should not discuss this situation on company time or with other employees that he felt Chief Bickle was a nice guy and that he didn’t want to cause bad feelings between the Police Department and his company. At that time dispatch told me he had not yet turned the document over to my employer’s, I requested that Jarrod look at the document and Jarrod agreed he would and latter he did read it. After reading the document he came down to see me while I was working in the yard he suggested that I should not pursue the woman witness in this matter at their request (the Woman and her Husband (Rich and Michelle Townsend)), and that the conversation between the Chief and his father was about my mental health?
Today just before 8:00 A.M. I tried to call the office of the J.P. and no one picked up the phone. My question for them was to find out if my hearing for Disorderly conduct was moved to correspond with the hearing of the charges that I filed against Detective Floyd.
At 9:00 A.M. Jim came out to take me aside he told me of his conversation the other day with the chief and complimented my work abilities. He told me of being questioned about my mental health. He asked me to consider dropping my suit against the Detective. He also told me that the chief would quit his job if I won my suit? I told him to let his friends know that I would like the accident report reopened and that charges be drawn against the man that crossed the stop line.
At 4:00 Jarrod made mention that I could drop my suit up to the day before the case. I told Jarrod about the conversation I had with his dad.
Fri. Today I woke up at 3:30 A.M. and felt a little more at ease about the process that things will work together for truth and justice. There were some thoughts I felt I needed to write down about 4:00 A.M. I went back to bed, sleepily I awoke, and after adding to my thoughts from earlier, I went to work. I arrived at work about 20 minutes later than I wanted to.
Cody Myers (My neighbor across the street a boy in 4th grade where my daughter goes to school) accidentally falls out of his upper bunk bed and strangles himself on some loose clothing. Cody’s family invited my family to a Christmas train ride up north by their summerhouse. Their family also went through the receiving line for the Wieder’s memorial service with my family, where I had the opportunity to explain to Cody why we were there. I was able to explain about the respect we were showing to his sister, and my daughter’s teacher and wife.
Thu. 10:42 A.M. I clocked out from work. I saw that the Souderton Police had pulled over a red and white Ford P.U. on Rt. 113 just south of County Line Rd. I really wanted to see if this might have been that individual who was using derogatory and profane language; to bad they had both disappeared by the time I got to their location. I prepared for my court hearing, after changing and then getting to court at about 11:00 A.M. I was informed that the hearing had a continuation and I did not have to appear today. The court secretary (Barb) told me that as soon as she found out a phone call was made and a message was left on my answering machine. The date I was to be informed was either the 8th or the 9th of May, when I was supposed to have received this information. I returned to work at 11:85 A.M. after making a couple of phone calls and changing back into work clothes. This was about 1 hour and 15 minutes.
5:05 I took a couple of minutes to speak with Jarrod about the issue of the chiefs’ comment to his dad (how I should drop the lawsuit) and how that tore me up because after all the chief was the one to tell me that maybe I should file charges against the detective as per our conversation on Wed. 4/25/01.
5/24/01 Thu.
Mary told me about receiving a letter from the district court about a new court date and also I saw that there would be a new judge handling the matter.
5/25/01 3:55 – 4:15
Fri. How odd? Somehow I pulled an unexpected delivery to Telford Borough at first and as soon as I realized where I was going I wasn’t to sure if I wanted this particular delivery but as always I do my job for any body and or every body without any bias to perform my duties and make profit for the company. As dispatch gave me instructions I would learn that the borough manager would be instructing me as to the placement of the ordered material. When I met Mark I introduced myself and he was pleased to put a face to the name that some of his discussions were about. I discussed with him a lot more than he probably wanted to know, he told me of his concern for where the Insurance Company might take this matter. We also discussed the matter of the two recent funerals and he shared with me that his neighbor was a little boy named Nick and how Nick’s mom was distraught to explain to her son about Cody’s death. He also told me of his concern that I acted out not listening to the detective and using profanity. I assured him that that was not the case as my credibility as a good witness would then be compromised. I shared with him that this case was about an incident that happened 13 years ago, when I received a warning from the Warminster police officer. In that matter I was told to contact my councilman or senator to enact legislation about the use of the stop line since there was no law regarding the use of stop lines. I certainly hope that he takes another look into my conduct and the information on the accident report and the charges recorded on the citation, as they do not match his version.
About 5:45 – 6:00 I called Dave (My dispatcher) after work to thank him for setting me up with that delivery. He informed me that it was not intentional that I received that job. I told him that I did get a chance to speak with the borough manager. I explained that I wanted to thank him at work but we were all so busy.
At some point around this date I made a delivery to the Telford’s police chief’s house, the delivery went well even though he didn’t want to talk about the current problem I was involved in. I asked to make sure he would be at the hearing, and I tried to assure myself by repeating his comment to me in a previous phone conversation where he said the truth would come out in court. In leaving I parted with the thought that I didn’t like seeing cars crash behind the truck that I operate.
6-22-01 Fri.
Finally the day of the court case this took about 4 hours from my workday. I met Mary at the door when she finally arrived. I had an uneasy feeling when I saw Detective Floyd. What perjury from the police and the witnesses that they brought. How depressing I sure hope GOD is in control.
6-24-01 Sun.
I left a message on Lowenthal and Abrams answering machine about needing a lawyer. I worked on the computer a little went to church, where Aldo Carmona suggested that I should leave it go, and worked on the computer some more. In the afternoon I was shuffling through some papers and realized that I had some documents with the Detectives false testimony written. I called the Lowenthal and Abrams back to leave another message to this fact.
6-25-01 Mon.
Before going to work Mary and I discussed some of the events that occurred in court. I would ask if she would object to my pursuing this matter and she agreed. She admitted that if she wasn’t there to see the judge; appeal to me, to appeal the case, and apologize to find me guilty, that she would have thought I was making that part up. She gave me her approval to take this matter further.
After working all day and leaving just before 5:00 I gave Mary a call to see if the lawyers had called back. Since they hadn’t I called and spoke with the secretary, (Carolyn) I gave her some details but not much she asked how I had heard about them and I explained that I heard about them from their advertisement on WBYN 107.5 Alive. This evening I spent some more time on the computer.
This afternoon after work I called Mary to see if the lawyers had called back. I went home and called the Lawyers, I spoke with a paralegal (Debbie) who was then finally was able to put Jeff Lowenthal on the phone and he then referred me to a Bruce Hoffman. Jeff told me Bruce was a criminal lawyer and a good one and to make sure I mention that Jeff referred me to him.
I immediately called Bruce Hoffman and when finally getting through (the phone # Jeff gave me was not current) I left a message with some details about the case.
Bruce Hoffman called back and, Mary left the message, to call him from work.
I called Bruce back and made an appointment to see him July 3rd at 11:00 AM
While out on my first delivery I see that there is what appears to be a security guard at the job. I ask the man to help spot the truck as I pull the truck close to the customers’ truck. The man somehow relinquished that request right back to my customer. As this individual stood there just watching me make my delivery he was just close enough to hear what was being said and I was even able to make some comments in his direction. Then later he approached and said how impressed he was with the delivery. While cleaning up the truck and getting ready to leave he came to the other side of the truck and I read the badge on his uniform. He was Detective Gehman of and I’m not sure if it was Upper Merion or Upper Moreland P.D. He after listening described Detective Floyd as a bad cop and encouraged me to appeal my case he said that he was sure I had a winner. I asked Dave (My Dispatcher) when I got back if he knew anything about a Detective looking into how I make my deliveries. My Dispatcher told me he knew of no meetings set up for me with anyone, I didn’t ask any more questions about the issue.
I took off from work at 10:00 AM. As I headed down the road to my meeting the first thing I knew I would have to do was to gas up. While merging onto the highway I noticed my car coming down the highway at the same time. I flagged my wife to stop at the gas station and as I prepared to gas up the bike my wife and children wished me well with the Lawyer, they told me about going shopping for a Jr. brides maid dress for Valerie. This was an opportune time to give everybody a kiss and a smile and get on our way. The motorcycle ride went well going to the Law office of Bruce Hoffman, It was about 10 minutes after 11:00 when I got there and my appointment was at 11:00, fortunately he was still finishing up some other business, and after all that chance encounter was well worth a couple of minutes.
In speaking with Mr. Hoffman I was surprised he didn’t want the information that I had already written up. We verbally discussed some of the situations that brought us to this juncture. In the end Mr. Hoffman looked at me and said it appears that some of my civil liberties have been violated. Mr. Hoffman immediately suggested that I go to the Montgomery County Court house and appeal the judgment against me. He suggested that I stop talking to others about this case stating that it would not, benefit me to talk about it. I knew and told Mr. Hoffman as much that it would be hard for me not to discuss this matter. I told him of the General contractor to whom I spoke that morning and of the Detective on the job site the past Friday. I left his office in a hurry to get over to the courthouse as we weren’t sure when the courthouse would close.
Getting over to the courthouse wasn’t very hard there were some problems with the typical merges communication, was probably the biggest issue. Every body wants the same piece of the road. While driving I had time to realize that my purpose to see a lawyer was two fold in as much I wanted to follows up the phone call to the D.A’s. office. The D.A. told me to send them my problem in writing, and before I submit anything to any body in writing I want my lawyer to approve it. I know we talked about much and not talking to people but I had a loose end and maybe I could find out more about the chance encounter with a Detective. As I arrived at the court house and paid the parking fee. To park in the garage, I found the attendant infatuated with my rig that is so neat almost everybody marvels at my motorcycle with its man and a half sidecar. The man in the garage had me park off in the far corner and I was able to hide the motorcycle along side of a minivan. I grabbed my lunch box and attaché, walking into the courthouse security was very high, metal detectors and x-ray scanners for my things. The security team confiscated my toenail clipper. I then asked security for directions and they asked me what I was there for and sent me to the clerk of records to start. I then asked if the D. A’s. Office was in this building. They told me that office was located on the fourth floor.
In the office of the clerk of records I noticed that it wasn’t that crowded and was surprised at how fast I was in and out we filed the form right there and paid for the appeal. And there at the same time I was recalling that phone call to the D. A. As soon as the appeal was successfully entered I asked for the location of the nearest pay phone. Hoping to still catch Mr. Hoffman at his office I called to see if anything needed to be said or given to the D.A. they had left I was on my own. So I went upstairs to share my problem with the D.A. the office on the fourth floor sent me over to an office across the street.
Across the street and into the office of Dick Marsch I found him talking to several people in his waiting room. So I went out in the hall to eat my lunch. When the first group of people came out I went in to take a seat. Listening as I waited I learned that this D.A. was very familiar with the Hatfield area and the man had a great respect for the Hatfield Detective Sergeant. When it became my turn to speak with the man he asked me what he could do for me. I told him I was there because of the phone call I made to his office two Friday’s ago after I lost my court hearing. I told him about not mailing him my written statement because I’m doing everything through legal counsel. He was a bit confused as to the part where I was to mail in my statement he claimed he had not requested that of me, we concluded then that one of his associates must have spoken with me. He then asked what this was all about. I told him of my problem and he listened to me for a while and asked me again what he could do for me. He explained that the detective driving his car in the matter as he did was an issue of conduct his Chief would have to address. And then I asked about the perjury in court? Mr. Marsch explained to me that the penalty for an officer committing that offense carried a jail sentence but he said the officer would have to perjure himself in the court of public record. I questioned that maybe the other officer who perjured himself in my case had some other impropriety in maybe in the case of the wrongful shooting. I said a man just acquitted of something like that shouldn’t give false testimony. It was pretty obvious that I didn’t know how the D.A’s. office could help me and after Discussing the matter about the Detective on the job site from which Mr. Marsch was very surprised he concluded, and had me pretty convinced, that was just happenstance. Mr. Marsch then asked the name of the Detective and I gave it to him. He to was confused about the detective being on the job site. I shared with him my thought about some other internal investigation. I apologized for taking his time. He asked me to let my lawyer handle things. He started to walk away and I stated that if he was to assign someone to my case that I wouldn’t object to Detective Gehman. He walked away saying, “things don’t work that way.”
I left the courthouse area and started heading back for work. Stopping at the Wawa to call work from which I noticed I didn’t have enough change typical! I got a hold of Irv; he told me that he didn’t have any more work to get out so I took the rest of the afternoon off. I went to see dad. We went over to Grammy’s to do a little yard work and to console her a very close friend of hers had just passed away today.
7-05-01 Thu.
A woman driving 40 in the 45 mph. zone started to play games in front of my truck and then called into dispatch to complain about my driving I was simply trying to go back to the shop to get another delivery. I recorded her license DAL-9679 and noted she was driving a small red car.
Just after dealing with her a SUV Making a left turn onto a street must have decided at the last minute to use this side road just on the other side of the train tracks. I almost got caught stopping on the train tracks. This was, because of the sudden stop of the SUV in front of me. First they stopped and then they used their turn signal.
7-06-01 Fri.
On my first delivery I was getting the driveway prepared as I had the truck positioned to back into the driveway when a motorist pulled up to the front of the truck. The motorist used his horn and I went over to his car to explain that it would take just a couple of minutes to get the truck into the narrow driveway. I suggested that if he was in a hurry it might be quicker for him to go around the block. The operator of the car became belligerent complaining “what a pain in the ---.” I apologized and the operator gave me some more lip saying, “sure I’ll bet you’re sorry”.
Another stop line violation, a black woman in Hatfield driving a small silver car I wait for her to back up so I could complete my turn. She just sits there I motion for her to back up. She shakes her head no she is not going to move her car. She finally gets the green light for her direction and moves her car enough for me to go. As she starts past the truck she starts cursing at me saying that if she were late for something I would pay.
A customer (Tony Fusca) tells me about a situation involving Detective Floyd and the judge in Perkasie (I believe this would be the Sellersville JP). She recognized that Detective Floyd was lying in her courtroom and noted the fact, in the case file as such. That was so strange to learn that.
On the return back to the yard late in the evening I was driving through a particularly congested part of the area. At a point in my travels I recognized an area for which I wanted to be in the right lane due to a side street that receives a lot of left turn traffic. I didn’t want to be caught behind traffic stopped and waiting for a left turn. I signaled early to make a lane change and I saw a Red corvette with a white convertible top slow down to allow me to accomplish my lane change. I was thinking how considerate. Later it would prove that she was to be the only considerate person on that return trip. There was a particular incident from which I was forced to make a decision because of the strange, courteous, and dangerous maneuver by the vehicle in front of me. (The vehicle was a Black Chevy pickup truck with dually tires, and the truck was taking what I perceived as a risk by trying to allow me room to go past. The operator of the truck was positioning his vehicle north bound in the southbound lane of Rt. 309.) The choice I made was to slow the truck down and or even stop if I had to, this would enable the driver of the pickup truck an opportunity to get back into his proper lane of travel. This choice was my second choice as the driver gave me plenty of indication that he was going to turn I tried first to change into the right lane which would have been my preferred lane of travel on that stretch of highway anyway. Later being in the left lane this time by choice (due to the major bump in the right lane just up ahead, I noticed that I was passing the woman in the Red Corvette I thought it would be a nice gesture if I could tell her how much her letting me change lanes in front of her meant earlier. I saw an opportunity to say something nice and she began acting weird. And finally much further up the road and once again behind her sitting at a red light I hopped out of the truck to go up and personally and sincerely thank her. She became very belligerent she flipped me the bird and she was very derogatory with me. I had not thought of how my actions were to be viewed and I was hoping that she didn’t have a problem with letting the truck change lanes in front of her. I guess I found out that she did have problems with me.
7-13-01 Fri.
The husband of the woman who was so upset with me the night before comes in to complain about me. She told her husband that she felt threatened.
My boss approached me and told me that if he gets one more phone call he will fire me for not representing his company properly. After some discussion with my boss about the two phone calls that he had just received in the past two weeks, we came to realize that there might be more going on here that meets the eye. It seems in both instances the term, “Road Rage” came up. Now I know that there has been more than enough police activity around my truck since this accident situation, I’ve been observed, followed and it is rather odd that since the incident there has been an increase in police presence around me driving the work truck and I believe that if I was doing something wrong I would have known about it.
7-14-01 Sat.
While at work in the Lansdale Div. of our company I apologized to the dispatcher for the couple of complaints that he received and explained the circumstances for which they came about.
Later in the day I noticed a Black Chevy pick up truck with dually tires sitting out front at work. It looked very much like the truck driving on the wrong side of the road for which I slowed down so hard two nights before, when no one would allow me to make a lane change. I asked about the truck and found out that it belongs to the loader operator at that division of the company.
I had told dispatch at the beginning of the day that I felt it was necessary to talk to Jim Nyce my employer and later I was told that it might not be a good day to approach Mr. Nyce. So I spoke with Jarrod Nyce at the end of the day. He lambasted me for getting out of the truck and speaking to that woman after listening to him I finally got to a point where I could tell him of Steve’s truck he said he didn’t even care about that. Just before I left I offered to write the woman a letter of apology. Jarrod said to just let the incident alone.
As the day went along earlier in the day I had a chance to speak with Jim Nyce. Jim told me of Jarrod’s little boy suffering an injury to his leg, and then he said he was very concerned. I asked about the little boys leg. He said, “no about you” I then shared with Jim about Steve’s pickup truck possibly being the truck that was in a bad position on the highway on the Thursday before, he asked what time this might have happened. I told him about 5:30 P.M. He said that it was possible that it could have been Steve and that he was going to check in to this.
After work I came home and my wife greeted me with quite a story about a phone call she had had with my employer Jim Nyce. This came about just after she prayed for me. The pastor said Sunday sometimes we have to wait on the Lord for prayers to be answered, not this time. They discussed my emotional well being, she apologized to tell my boss that the only thing he had to worry about was that I would probably hurt myself, and the truck, before I hurt someone else. She told him of my finding out about Detective Floyd’s reprimand in court. (That is something that I held back from my employer because of their position on how I should not pursue these proceedings. I only mentioned to Jim that an appeal was in the works. I didn’t go into detail about why.) Mary suggested that maybe I should get out of the orange truck. Jim told Mary that he already ordered a new truck, and that since talking to her my job is now quite secure. Jim also mentioned that his phone call to her was the result of a conversation that he had with the Chief of police once again, (Thank you Mr. Bickle)
My second meeting with the Lawyer went well he feels that he can have my charges dismissed and it would only cost about $500. But then he listened to the bit about the reprimand in court and he said he would take my case further if that reprimand could be verified. Bruce told me that all he needed was Tony’s phone number and address. I heard, that I needed to talk to Tony, which was ok with me because earlier I did ask permission to give Tony the phone Number to Bruce’s office. And this was so easy everything was coming together just fine. I asked how much it would cost if there was a judgment and what kind of judgment we could be looking at. Bruce told me he gets 40% and if we prove perjury then we would go back after the Local municipality, County, and State. I left work at 2:40 P.M. this cost me about 2hours and 20 minutes, and tolls of $1.00.
Leaving the lawyers office I went back to Lansdale to see if I could catch up with Tony in person at his job site. As I passed by Nyce Crete I stopped in to see if Steve was still there I figured he left for the night, and I was right. I spent a few minutes talking with Jack the dispatcher and went over to Tony’s job. No Tony I asked the homeowner if I could have Tony’s phone number he said he didn’t know it. He said he expected Tony to be working Sat. or Sun. Home I go, once at my house the first thing I do is look up this mans phone number in the phone book, there it was. Next I call Tony and tell him that my concerns about him calling my lawyer were unfounded. Now he is concerned he isn’t so sure he wants to cooperate, with my problems he’s afraid of getting caught up and losing his job? Why would he lose his job? I’m mailing Tony, Bruce Hoffman’s business card. I hope he calms down and of course I called Bruce back and left a message that I would call him back tomorrow. I’m done talking to people I think.
I called pastor Troxel to let him know how things went I told him that I’m not on a roller coaster ride I’m riding the back of a serpent first my emotions go up everything is going great and secondly I’m going down and getting spun in all directions.
I called Bruce Hoffman and he seemed less concerned with the information that he requested for Tony, his address 519 Edgemont Ave. Lansdale, and phone number 215-362-1185. Bruce sounded very upbeat in talking with me after I told him that Tony didn’t want me to give my lawyer Tony’s information. I explained about Tony going away for a little while and he was trying to decide if he wanted to call before or after going away. I explained that I was reluctant to give Tony, Bruce’s phone number and that now Tony was reluctant to call because he didn’t want to get involved in my case. Bruce said that he could wait for Tony to call him. I asked Bruce that if anything would happen in my case that he should please keep me informed? Bruce said that he would.
I worked for Landis Concrete a few hours. After I completed my duties, I had the opportunity to talk with Jarrod about the issues that I am facing. He shared concern about the event should I lose it could cost me. I told with him not to worry that I am not taking this forward on my own, we discussed the fact of how I found my Lawyer and as he left I sensed that he understood what and why I was doing what I had to do.
Jim comes over to me to say hello, he mentioned that he talked to Mary. And then he showed me a schematic of the new truck.
First thing in the morning I’m crossing route 63 heading south on route 113 and the traffic light malfunctions. Of course this would happen to me. After waiting through three cycles of the light and finally getting across the intersection I pull over and make a phone call to 911 to report the malfunctioning traffic light. After reporting the light I enter the snack shop where I happen to meet my neighbor Rocky. We talk for a little and a police officer pulls up to check out the light. Naturally like trying to tell your mechanic that there is a problem with your car; nothing goes wrong with the light while we discuss what happened to me. At least the complaint is on record this time. I’ve had problems at this intersection recently on a Saturday delivery for Batesville Logistics Inc.
At the end of the day, my last delivery the Lady of the house shows me where to put her material, and a conversation develops. She shares with me an incident her husband had. It seems he also is a truck driver and had a problem with an individual who passed him on the right shoulder and cut the truck off getting in front of the truck and causing the truck to stop. The aggressive driver has to stop at a traffic light and the truck driver comes up from behind. The truck driver gets out of the truck and yells at the aggressive driver for almost causing an accident. The aggressive driver being yelled at calls the police for assistance. The police arrive on the scene and give the truck driver a written warning for being the aggressor because he got out of his truck (typical).
As I am sitting on the couch being a typical potato, I watch a Mercedes Benz commercial, where did they get the idea for thanking people for allowing them to make a lane change? That was the whole premise behind the commercial. That was way to close to an incident I recently had.
I’m thinking it is time to give Lowenthal and Abrams a call to question the 40% thing with Mr. Hoffman and update them on what might be going on in my situation. I want to make sure that they don’t want any parts of this matter, (I would feel more comfortable if it gets as involved as it could that Christians are involved).
I went to the Library and found a book from which I could copy the violated statute from and researched and copied a few more state statutes that could have been or were violated by others. I added the photocopies to my documents. After reading and re-reading the offending violation I became more convinced that the Judge erred in handling my case.
I spent some time recording some thoughts stating; I didn’t have intent, going into court, I believed my case was about my conduct. In the courtroom I found that the case wasn’t about my conduct (violating 5503 subsection 2). In defending my conduct for making a loud noise, I was only defending myself from the harassment and profanity coming from an individual who had provoked me once before. I only gave a retort not to cause public harm but rather to explain. The detective changed the case and lied about my use of profanity (violating 5503 subsection 3). I don’t use profanity! Not in public and not when issues that bother me from past events would have only the slightest chance to be corrected (going back to the warning 13 years ago). Why would I ruin my credibility as a witness by using profanity? In the past another police officer abused his position of authority, he took advantage of my naive respect for the men that are to help. He took advantage of my inexperience to give argument in describing how much room would be needed for the vehicle I was driving to negotiate and complete a turn.
What gave the detective the right to assault me with his vehicle?
That night while watching T.V., I heard a question asked that gave me insight in my case. What is worse a crooked cop or a lazy cop? I found first a lazy Detective who was annoyed his path to a meeting was interrupted (as sorry as I am that looking into this accident and dealing with a harassing individual might interfere with his plans, as a former emergency services volunteer and dealing with the police stops as a commercial truck driver, I know that nobody has exclusive right to the highway.) Courtesy and consideration should be given to all, identification immediately would have given me the chance to explain about the previous harassment and current harassment from the individual in the pick-up truck. In that event the Detective could investigate or determine the value of my retort.
Then at the court hearing I found that I had a crooked cop and not just one but two. These men who work together came up with a scheme to confuse me and it almost worked. I still want my chance to pull at the strings of these lies. I hope and pray someone remembers the truth and professes the truth.
At about noon I called the clerk of courts (610-278-3346) to determine how much longer I would have to wait to gain a court hearing for my appeal. The secretary I spoke with told me that there was a 10 to 12 month backlog of appeals. She recommended that I call the secretary in charge of scheduling Joann Mancini (610-278-3090) but that I should wait until she gets back from her two week vacation ending (9-14-01). At this time I realized that I should probably call my Lawyer in the event I should be able to schedule sooner than expected.
Wanting to call my Lawyer I didn’t get the opportunity.
8:35 A.M. While getting my paperwork I noticed that there was a group of people in the lunchroom watching T.V. I looked in to see what was going on. (OH! NO!)
You can’t imagine! There is only prayer.
This is not a time to worry about my problems when the country is in peril.
Delivering to a customer in Solebury I would learn that he had a customer that he was working for and that his customer worked in one of the World Trade Center Towers. My customer explained that he was trying to call his customer and wasn’t able to get through and that he was concerned for his customers safety. As I’m sure the world was concerned for the safety of all in and around those buildings. There is only prayer.
I come back listening to New Life Ministries and they put into perspective some of my immediate feelings to recognize that GOD uses all events for good many would ask how could GOD let this happen if only the many would come back to the LORD. I had a new sense of realization that we should not become like the terrorists but let the LORD take vengeance on those for their actions. Dave understood but Kyle well he has such a worldly view.
The day after disbelief, a country once divided would be united God separated would become the center of all.
The question for us all why does the FAA allow an access door to the cockpit from the passenger compartment? Can’t the airlines give up some rows of first class seating and make the cockpit crew a lounge and restroom? Who knows who you transport why even take a chance that someone could take control of another plane?
I asked that question to the wife of an airplane pilot only to find out there were other issues about the doors? And her husband was part of the other crew. They would fly the other days of that particular flight that was videoed and aired around the world. (An image we won’t forget)
I had a weird feeling I was associating the date and having a slight superstitious thought that maybe there would be some sort of retaliation on this date. Every one was quite quiet in and around different kinds of places.
Truck troubles the slave cylinder blew apart.
That day 10 people would become detained as possible terrorists while trying to board airplanes as we tried to reopen our airports. That night the three New York airports would be closed again. Security is tightened.
Mary and I went over to the school for a parent teacher conference we spoke with the teachers of both of our children.
A national day of prayer or an international day of prayer
A Day of Walking
Almost at work my pickup truck stalled and would not restart so I walked to work of course in the rain.
On my second delivery I would come to a weight restricted bridge I would think not to far from the job site probably about a mile and a half to two miles from my work truck that I would not take across the bridge. I would have to walk the long driveway a second time waiting for the dump truck to come out of the job site.
That night I talked with Valerie for a little while and we watched as the world shared in an international day of prayer. How the Lord is using these events to bring all of us as Christians together.
Time to write events in my journal. From (8-18-01) - (9-15-01).
*9-20-01,4:00 PM.
I called the Montgomery Court House to request a court date for my appeal hearing a date was given to me Thursday 10-25-01 at 9:30 A.M.
At 4:10 I called my Lawyer and spoke with his secretary “Dee”. I explained about calling to inquire about when we could go to court, and that I received a court date and time.
That night we had a safety meeting for work from 7:00-9:20 P.M.
At the safety meeting we heard how the court would hear both sides of an event and how one’s perception or their truth could be different from another’s.
We were told that if anything happens you are to write everything down, that is something that I have done.
I felt the meeting was “Very Basic” it didn’t address in detail the problems we face as drivers today some of the reasons I’m involved in the situation I’m in.
It was discussed that the stop and go action at intersections was a leading cause for accidents and that most people do not judge a proper following distance properly. This is an issue I would have liked to discuss more in depth I don’t believe you have to stop at each and every intersection if you can slow down in advance. Instead of driving up to and having to stop at each red light slow down in advance and drive through the green light.
Other Topics to Discuss were:
1. Being passed from behind while entering onto a highway from an entrance ramp.
2. Avoiding a reckless driver who cuts right across the highway within 10’ of your vehicle, while either making an illegal U-turn or not yielding the right of way and making a left turn right across the front of your vehicle.
3. What happened to the Law that states it is unlawful to cause an accident?
9-21-01 *(11-22-01), as written into my notebook 9-22-01 8:05 PM.
I called Dad and we had a very lengthy conversation he played Devil’s Advocate with me.
In reflection that night I came to realize that FEAR is not RESPECT as I described before we should hold the police in the highest esteem and respect them as heroes and men to help in our everyday struggles. Unfortunately I felt terrorized by the Detective and lost all respect for the men of this police department who would conspire to lie, and to lie to gain a conviction in this small incident. These men are supposed to be the people I am to tell my children to run to when they feel there is danger but now I wonder if these police officers would try to run down my threatened children or worse?
As a Federally licensed commercial driver “My Character” comes into question. In the past I had to own my own shortcomings in any of my errors in public or in the employ of others. – In this situation I didn’t do anything wrong and it is time for someone else to own up to their shortcomings.
9-23-01 *(11-22-01), as written into my notebook 9-23-01 9:40 PM.
What charges against the detective do I know of?
A. Witness Tampering (5/4 or 5/5) I called Mr. Allison
B. Perjury
C. Defamation of Character
D. Dereliction of Duty
E. Unsafe Operation of Vehicle
F. Failure to use warning devices
G. Discrimination
9-25-01 *(11-22-01)
No work this day.
I called to speak with Bruce about how I arranged a court date time and hearing for my case, and he set up a meeting with me for 9-26-01 at 11:30 AM.
I called work and I requested off due to the mid morning meeting the next day, this was permitted as work was slow.
Meeting with the Lawyer 11:30- 12:00 we discussed the need to pay an agreed amount of $500. This would cover my defense against my intent, as there was no verification by anyone to prove of the detective’s perjury. My job became clear prove myself. I needed someone to verify that I was speaking truthfully at least to the best of my knowledge. This time I used route 309 and the tolls for both directions were $1.70.
I was hoping that the Local J.P. would provide the verification that my lawyer needed and that my lawyer would confirm this through contact with the reprimanding Judge. As I questioned that with Bruce he explained that he knew the information would not be made available as public knowledge and this whole conversation took me by surprise.
That night I took my family to the EZO activities in Hatfield. Following that event I came home disgruntled with my lawyers lack of effort I tried to E-mail a new law firm to handle my case as my lawyer said maybe I should have somebody affiliated with the ACLU at least then I might not be so surprised with a lack of effort. I had no response from that Philadelphia Law firm. So my resolve became focused on gaining the verification that Bruce was looking for, I started with just trying the reprimanding Judge to see what she would say. Is her no really no? Would she be surprised by the continued perjury or the fact that it wasn’t the first time that the Detective lied in court and his actions are causing distress?
9-28-01,1:05 P.M.
I called J.P. Ruth Dietrich at 215-257-5181. I spoke with her secretary and she told me to call back on Monday the J.P. was not in.
I had been reading the BIBLE and listening to the words of ministers, all of them available to me.
The words that describe the detective’s actions and perjury are:
Why reprimand the detective?
a. He idolized his vehicle and showed blatant disregard for public safety.
b. He drove his vehicle to become a participant and to antagonize.
c. He had plenty of opportunity to immediately identify himself as an officer of the Law.
d. He showed an abuse for his authority and power.
e. He discriminated against the truck driver with disregard for harassments directed at the truck driver.
f. He perjured himself in court.
1. To gain the conviction.
2. To attain immunity from the charges I filed against him.
g. He conspired to his perjury with a fellow officer.
1. To confuse the defendant.
2. To gain the conviction.
3. Why would a man just acquitted of a wrongful shooting perjure himself in such a small matter?
h. His immunity was acquired improperly, through his perjury, to cover up his participation in the situation.
Why are the witnesses afraid to testify on my behalf, I know we are to respect our police officers, but Fear is not respect and without respect there is not high esteem.
3:00 P.M.
A woman yells at me while slowly approaching a school bus with yellow flashing lights. It was clear that the bus was waiting for the woman to come to the bus stop to retrieve her child and the bus driver was not going to hold up the truck traffic while waiting for the mother to come to retrieve her student. Sometimes this happens and I was watching to gain confirmation from the bus driver, while getting yelled at by the pedestrian.
9-29-01,4:30 A.M.
On what authority did the detective use to have the right to drive in the manner he did. He stated in court that he saw from a distance that I had a problem negotiating the turn. He saw something happened after pulling the truck off to the side. He avoided immediately identifying himself and after asking me questions he never gave me the opportunity to answer and explain what he saw.
After all he was reprimanded!
I did try to talk with the chief and I did manage to explain to the borough manager.
Later in the day
“Sticks and stones can break your bones but words can’t hurt you”- what a lie!
An officer of the law can ruin your good name, defamation of character.
So far I have over $1,300 + emotional suffering.
He lied to gain a conviction.
*10-01-01,2:10 P.M.
I called back to J.P. Ruth Dietrich.
She could not talk to me about the reprimand and suggested that as her secretary did on Friday I should talk to the Chief of police.
At 3:10 P.M. I called the Telford police department and requested to talk to the Chief Bickle. Detective Floyd answered the phone and put me on the phone with Chief Bickle. We set up an appointment to talk between 6:30 and 7:00 P.M.
At 3:15 P.M. I called my councilor Bruce Hoffman he told me in no uncertain terms to not meet with anyone he recommended that I call the Chief back and cancel the appointment. Bruce Hoffman asked me, “if I wanted to get shot?” I told him that I wasn’t really trying to become a martyr before we get into the courtroom.
10-03-01,6:00 P.M.
Once again I would try to convince Tony Fusca to call my lawyer that if the detective was practicing lying to gain convictions that this is wrong there is enough problems in our society we don’t need to fabricate the truth. But I was told that Tony was not home.
At 9:25 I tried again and so I spoke to Tony’s wife. I thought I did a very good job of explaining the situation to her and that she would help convince Tony to help me.
*10-09-01,3:25 P.M.
I called to speak with Bruce Hoffman I explained that I was not happy just going in to defend myself with a legal loophole such as intent. And he said that it was only a chance that the case would be dismissed on those grounds. I explained that I wanted to expose the perjury used against me.
At 4:15 P.M. I spoke with Rich Townsend asking to speak with his wife. I had heard that she had some misperceptions about what I was trying to accomplish at the scene of the accident. He told me that I could subpoena her but her testimony would not be helpful to my case. He wasn’t sure she could help me at all. He said he lives locally and that his information would be easy enough to find.
At 5:20 I used the Internet to locate the address of: at a cost of $3.00
Rich and Michelle Townsend
103 Country Side Lane
Telford PA.
I was remembering some of the statements made in the first hearing one that bothered me was that I was seen walking backwards, which I did. It was after hearing and identifying the source of the profanity yelled in my direction by a harassing individual. It was then that I took a couple of large steps to get into the center of the travel for the lane I would be standing in, not in the direction of travel but across the lane. I moved backwards and into the center of the lane so that nobody would attempt to drive by endangering my presence while traveling the narrowed street where my truck was parked. I could see that traffic was not coming and I even checked for traffic before giving my retort. Maneuvering in this manner would give me a clear view, and plenty of distance. I could make a retort to show that: I was offended by the language I had just heard, and observe that the harassing individual would not jump out of his vehicle turning his verbal abuse into physical abuse. The act of walking backwards seemed to be important to the detective as though I would walk backwards into his car. As close as his car was pulled up to my person, there was no way I could have walked backwards into his car. I would have fallen onto his car had I tried to walk backwards. I did however plant my foot behind me so I could pivot and turn around. It was then I got to see why the woman yelled a warning in my direction the detective’s car was so close that I could kneel on his bumper. I even wobbled as I almost fell my balance was thrown by the close proximity of the detective’s car. His very suggestion was ridiculous and he accused me of this by yelling at me for doing so. He then yelled at me a question for standing in the street yelling at people and he never let me explain as he pulled off in front of my truck asking yet more questions.
I didn’t try to reprimand the individual but I gave a retort in a manner to show that I was offended by the harassing individuals’ obscenities. In the first court hearing the detective said he observed me speaking obscenities and pointing and gesturing. I did point my index finger at the one, who harassed and offended me I made no obscene gestures. I wanted to point out the individual who was making obscene comments.
It came to me that if I would first take the stand that maybe I could shake out the truth of this whole mess the Detective made and then corroboration could come from those individuals that either I was speaking the truth or not. The logical procession would be my testimony then Michelle, and Tony followed by officer Ritter. At least this way the people that have misperceptions might gain some understanding as to why I reacted the way I did. I believe that all things considered I did a good job of maintaining control of a situation that turned against me rather harshly.
After work I went to the flower shop where the accident happened. I was expecting to find the two young ladies the Detective pointed out to me that were standing along the curb. The Detective made it clear that in his opinion my questionable conduct may have offended these bystanders. I figured that the young ladies worked in the flower shop. I entered the flower shop looking for the young ladies and ended up talking to the proprietor who had a vivid recollection of the accident. He talked of things in ways I couldn’t even put into words. The anger in the voice of the man harassing me, and he recalled the man driving off making a harassing comment of which I recorded. He even spoke of the color of the vehicles.
I looked up the phone number of J.P. Borek 215-393-7534 I asked his secretary to question him as to my persistence of following up on the perjury that was blatantly used to gain a conviction in his courtroom. The conversation was pretty much ended there Mr. Borek did not want to discuss this matter with me. So once again I’m on my own doing what should be right.
While looking for the number for Judge Borek I ran across the number for the ACLU 215-592-1513.
When I got home Mary told me that Tony called in the morning she said he wanted to talk to me and that I could call him between 7:30 – 8:00. He then told her he was going to meet with Detective Floyd?
At 7:50 P.M. I called to talk to Tony but once again he was unavailable.
*10-16-01,12:20 P.M.
I called to speak with Bruce he wasn’t available so I left a message with his secretary about my conversation with the proprietor of the flower shop and left his information with her.
Jon Hwang
300 south Main Street
Telford, PA 18969
At 5:05 I called back to touch base with Bruce personally and explained the conversation that I had with the owner of the flower shop I then discussed contacting Michelle Townsend that I felt she had important information to the case. I fumbled looking for her address and had to call back with that information. I offered Tony’s information even though it goes against his wishes, after all he told me of the Detective’s reprimand, confirming a practice of perjury that others had told me of.
Bruce then told me that he would once again have to meet with me when we get a new court date. He explained that he had been contacted by the D.A.’s office and a cop was going in for retraining something that was scheduled a while ago? So now we have time and he told me that I did my job and I should stop pushing my case. Finally!
10-18-01,9:00 P.M.
I called dad to tell him that we are off for the court hearing on the 25th and to let him know that I do not know now when we will go forward.
11-08-01 *(11-22-01)
That night a message from the president was aired and some thoughts.
A. Courage and Optimism
B. The Lord’s Prayer
C. Lets Roll
D. Freedom and Opportunity
I thought of how my civil liberties were taken from me and how my prosecutor had choices. He abused his authority and power. As a result I will hold him accountable. I will allow my self to be a tool to protect the public well being.
I asked Andy Kramer (A fellow employee who told me of a conflict between himself and officer Fox. Andy told me how officer Fox entrapped his wife to gain a DUI charge). I asked Andy if he really wanted to clear up the situation concerning his wife? He indicated it was his desire to clear up the matter. Then I asked Andy if he and his wife would like to come forward in my case and he told me they would like to.
11/10/01 12:05 PM
I finished writing up the information from (11-04-01) – (11-10-01).
This morning I woke up to thoughts of how the court case might go and how to express my concerns for being wrongfully charged of violating a statute that I knew I didn’t. Then being able to describe how the participation of the Detective caused him to be full of pride, and how he decided he could get away with lying. He involved his fellow officer in conspiring to the perjury. He knew how he was going to convict me in this small matter already when he spoke to my dispatcher the next day after the accident, (4-20-01) which is when he decided to file the charges against me. He advised my dispatcher to let me know that it would be better for me to just pay the fine.
11-15-01 *(11-22-01)
About my conscience it was working well on the day of the accident, I let no impure thoughts corrupt my words as a conscious decision. My intentions were pure and just.
11-16-01 *(11-22-01)
Vocational profiling why is it so hard to be a Christian and a Professional Driver? We the drivers get to see the worst that society has to offer. Yesterday I was shown yet another perfect example of the selfishness of those before me in my truck. I got severely cut off by nearly a hundred cars and one young lady really messed me up. She felt the need to put her car in front of me in such a tight manner her car was at a 45-degree angle to get into the space in front of me.
This morning I found my self behind a car that was going slowly this car would cause me to have to stop at several traffic lights, by not keeping pace you can miss the timing of the green lights. Or if the distance is too great the light will change to red and this does happen as well.
11-21-01 *(11-22-01)
This morning as I arrived at my first delivery I was asked to move my truck by a person who at first I thought might have been his brother but he was actually Charlie Hepler. It was our 20th high school reunion when I saw him last and after moving my truck for him and his co-worker as I did have the driveway access blocked. I would go down back to talk with Charlie, his father and mine used to be co-owners of property in the mountains. He and I were in the same grade in school, I told Charlie of the court case I was involved in with the Telford Police. He then turned to me and would be yet another individual to inform me that they are bad cops. He then stated that he knew the police would sit outside of the bars and wait for people to come out and then pull them over to charge these people with DUI. I told him that was not the first time that I heard that story. I believe there could well be an opening for some injustices to be corrected in this matter.
11-22-01 11:15 AM Happy Thanksgiving!
Time to write up a few notes I found in a separate notebook some of the dates were back around September 22nd and I marked the dates with an *(11-22-01).
I was remembering the phone conversation I had with the Chief of Police. I can now recall with better clarity that he said, “I did everything that he would have done.” And then I asked, “Did he have any problems with disciplining his Detective?” He then answered with, “According to the account that his Detective gave him he doesn’t see that his Detective did anything wrong”. It was then that he explained that his detective is only human and that if I felt that the detective did something wrong I could file charges against the detective.
I know I had no intention to cause fear or terror unlike the detective, who used his car to provoke me in some absurd way. I didn’t succumb to the attack from any direction every thing that I said was pure, without profanity. I am aware that people observing from a distance may have received the wrong idea, but of all people to jump to conclusions, the man who would cite me did. Not only did he jump to a wrong conclusion about me he is willing to lie to convict me, and not only him but he would have his friend help.
At work I read an article about the Quakertown borough approving a ban on Jake brakes. This was upsetting to me.
I came home to find that the computer was repaired, it seems that the anti virus program was causing problems for us.
I called the Borough manager to tell him that I am opposed to the ban on Jake brakes I cited safety concerns and economic cost savings for deliveries. I asked him to oppose the ban. I found a Q-town web site and I registered to enter a message about the ban on Jake brakes.
12/9/01 2:36 PM
Listening to the radio everyone is talking about Christmas and placing Gods sovereign grace as pointing back to the very beginning in the book of Genesis (I never thought of Genesis as having a connection to the Christmas story before.). And I have to tell you every ministry is discussing this including our pastor at Church. And another pastor on the other radio station that I am listening to, (in an attempt to find that song again) he also had a similar message, that he referenced the book of Genesis.
12/10/01 5:24 PM
This morning I was thinking about why I am so convinced about the officer involved in my court case as the one to perjure himself on the stand. He said to me on the stand that it was not him to say that I was there as a witness. I remember being so surprised by this testimony in the courtroom. I didn’t know what to make of what he said, I started to think that maybe my recollection might have been askew and this morning I realized there was a perfectly good reason to remember officer Fox saying what he said. See it could have only been him or officer Ritter and I remember being just a little concerned about officer Ritter taking my statement, I was thinking of the advocate I sort of wanted officer Fox to take my statement. I could have asked officer Ritter to testify but I would have, only been hoping, that officer Ritter would tell the truth. I had seen enough lies in the courtroom I didn’t want to give anyone else the chance to lie.
At the end of the day today I learned that Kyle Smith was laid-off apparently on moral issues, I found this very strange because he was 2nd in seniority, I thought that the last one hired would be the first to be laid-off, as company policy. I hope my employers’ decision makes an impact on the rest of us employees to do our work more proficiently.
*12/13/01 9:54 PM
What a day? I started the day with a random drug screening, first thing in the morning and giving the required sample was a virtual disaster. Two hours later and a sample was finally ready to be processed. That is a little embarrassing.
When I get home I find that my court date had been selected, hmm this is going to be interesting. I thought that the Lawyer told me that there would be plenty of time. Mix that date in with the holidays I can see that this is going to be fun! January 3rd is coming faster than I expected.
I called my Lawyer, Bruce about 4:10 PM and he set a meeting for Tuesday the 18th at 11:30 AM, then I asked him if he wants Andy’s information. Bruce answered with a “yes”, I had to call back around 4:15 to reconfirm the time.
At 4:20 I called dispatch and gave Irv the dates and times I would require off.
Tue. At 10:30 for the Lawyer.
Dec. 28, 11:00 AM for the dentist.
Jan. 3rd, all day.
After making some important phone calls to family and friends I tried to catch some news on the T.V. I forgot that today of all days the media was to receive a tape of the Sept. 11th expressions of the terrorist leader Bin Laden. There was a time when it was said that Friday the 13th was a bad day, that maybe so but I am really confused by all of the strange things happening on Thursday’s.
I know that fighting terrorism overseas is a justified act that our country is entitled to pursue, but how is that different than calling attention and fighting the terror in our everyday lives? Our country began to fight terrorist on Sept. 11th; my struggle against terrorism began April 19th.
While talking to my Grandmother earlier I mentioned how everything read from the bible seems to come in and touch my life in a deep and personal way. I found it so strange that in watching T.V. that when jeopardy came on they would have several bible verses tied into their game. The first one I took notice to was, Mathew 10:34 when I turned to that passage I immediately saw a very important message for me. Strange that at this time of the year when everyone is thinking in terms of bringing peace for the World, Jesus words brought to me would speak, “that in following Jesus, “he” would cause distress, turning members of a house against each other.” The passage said that, “Jesus doesn’t bring peace he brings a sword, those that follow him will have Devine tools to use.
With all that is going on I wrote a phrase that has so many different meanings, “Where ever you go, and where ever you turn, you will see me.” I see the creator in all that is good.
12/15/01 9:35 AM
Yesterday was interesting; one of the first things that I did at work was ask Andy for his information for the Lawyer.
Andy & Tammy, Kramer
3125 Main St.
Green Lane, PA 18054
Andy was one of the first to tell me of improprieties of this particular police department, he described an event involving his wife, himself, and the officer. The officer that at the time Andy had told me this, I thought was my advocate, so I disregarded what Andy was telling me thinking that it was not important.
*12/18/01 4:15 PM
Another interesting day at work, I started out with having to drive a little offensively it seems the Taxi behind my truck wanted to pass and get into the left turn lane, while I was getting ready to get into the left turn lane myself. Then on approach to the traffic light with a pretty good head of steam from the slight push I was receiving coming down the hill, the light changed from a green left turn arrow to a red, before giving a green light situation. What is up with that? While completing the left turn a police car pulled up behind me, I thought I was in trouble. The police officer passed me by, Thank Goodness. Then there was the possibility of not being allowed out of a job site where I was making a delivery. The local inspector was watching that I didn’t drag mud out onto the street and mess up the borough roadway. This is a very common problem and the general contractor had a crew to work with me to clean off my tires, of which I am very thankful. I was all prepared to go into detail about the meeting that I had to go to and why I had to have a Lawyer represent me. If these people would have done anything to violate my civil liberties, I was prepared to ask if they wanted to meet my Lawyer?
Then I went to the meeting with my Lawyer, which once again was an experience that opened his eyes again and again. We talked about my trying to quit my second job and that they wanted to keep me on the books for emergencies. Bruce looked at me and smiled saying they must like you. This conversation took place because of a novelty’s he had sitting on his desk and the shirt that I was wearing. He had three Novelties on his desk; an urn that had written on it “ashes of disobedient clients”, the Judge, and an angel holding a book and as I looked closely to see what the title of the book was I read, “1000 Legal Loopholes”. Wouldn’t that just figure? This man just keeps getting more and more into this case, now if everything holds together, and I think it will. We discussed what he would like to do, and the obvious where I think this is going to go. And he read the information that I gave him. He marked what he read, he told me how he wanted to discuss a few things with the Chief and the detective. The meeting took about ½ hr. I think that the sell is complete and I can say I have a good feeling about this meeting. I left with the words that he should put this case in the hands of the almighty that I have faith.
Coming back from the Lawyer’s office I stopped in at my old employer, Sun Building Supply and I spoke with Bruce and briefly in front of Chuck. Bruce was another person to say that he can’t remember my using profane language. Then I went back to my employer and I talked a little with my dispatcher and received a bonus check from the Boss. I went back and talked with Eddie and then into the garage to talk with Andy right under Leonard’s nose in an under the cuff kind of way I let Andy know that the Lawyer was going to contact him and his wife. When I left the shop I went down the road to do some Christmas shopping for the family. And again I let it be known that my Lawyer would be contacting Jon and that I had a tentative court date for Jan. 3rd.
*12/27/01 3:33 PM
I just called the Law offices to talk to Bruce I spoke with the secretary Dee and I explained that I was curious about the case. I told her that I didn’t want to be a mushroom.” Dee told me that Bruce would be in tomorrow and she would tell him of my inquiry and have him call me tomorrow.
One of the things that I was thinking about, with regard to a problem I am having with a coworker is that, he may want to live his life with out care for others, and he may want to act anti socially or lead an immoral life style. But if I see it as a problem I have aright to identify the problem, I believe I am called to get in and help resolve the problems of society.
I received a card wishing me a Happy New Year from my Lawyer.
1/3/02 7:04 AM
Yesterday 01-02-02
At work I spoke of my situation to a Dump truck driver from G.A. Peak and he say’s I really know how to stir up a Hornets nest, my reply to him is am I good enough to do it with out getting stung?
This morning;
I heard about the tractor-trailer accident and then there seems to be many more accidents occurring in the area, that isn’t odd is it? The strange thing is that the sun isn’t up yet it is just dawn.
I heard about the earthquake reported in Kabul at 6:00 AM, with a magnitude greater than 6pts.
What is up with the earthquakes today already I have heard of two? A second one was reported in the south pacific and it was only said to be very strong.
1/5/02 6:57:23 PM
On 1-3-02 I had a day in court and not a good one. The Judge found me to be a Liar I said “excuse me” and he repeated that he thought I was a Liar. Then he charged me an additional $100.00 to the fine. Well that is our justice system, READ MY document that I wrote about the situation.
At 5:30 AM or there about I called My Lawyer and asked him to get me a copy of the court transcript, I told him to look through the document and turn it over to Dick Marsch, the D.A. in the department of public complaints. I feel the perjury I was looking to prove from the detective was in the court transcript.
1. The detective corroborated my testimony.
2. The detective contradicted the testimony of his own witnesses.
I went to work and forgot to take along my radio, I don’t know if it was better to have the radio or not. At work I had my head in the clouds all day I definitely had a hard time staying completely focused. I almost decided not to come into work because I could be considered mentally disqualified. For this reason I am so thankful nothing went wrong on route to my deliveries, and back.
When I came home I was able to write up or start while waiting for everyone to come home, after gymnastics. Before they left Mary left me a message on the answering machine that she called the Veterinarian to have the cat put down. The appointment was made for 1-5-02 at 11:00 AM. I can’t say much for the timing of this event.
Well I started the day with being accused of not showing enough sympathy for my grieving family and being to focused on myself. The car needed gas and while at the gas station I couldn’t close the car door, I was listening to the song on the radio and I have to wonder how the radio announcers happen to know which songs to play. I drove everyone down to the Veterinarian and back. I tried to keep a little disconnected so I wouldn’t become overly emotional. Upon coming back I went back to the grind or so I tried.
Later Mary and I had a bad row. Between the cat and the court case we were in trouble. Afterwards I called the Law firm of Lowenthal and Abrams to report the wonderful job that Hoffman did and to place an impassioned plea to please help as my marriage is suffering.
After the call to the Law firm I called Dad once again he blasted me for getting into the position I am in, another I told you so! And then I explained that Mary and I were having troubles. It was just too much happening in our lives at one time.
Then while listening to the radio I heard of a report. A police Chief was just suspended, by the city manager. The Chief arrested the manager or owner of a restaurant over a disagreement about a cheeseburger. I pray that justice is served in this matter.
Then I was able to share the cheeseburger incident with Mary. I expressed concern for the probable injustice and she was also concerned.
I think we will be OK, but I’ll let the message to the Lawyer stand.
*1/6/02 1:02 PM
I went to the Church information meeting and shared my thoughts and Documents with those individuals that were interested, after the meeting I stayed for Church the message was on Church leadership. After talking and explaining more of what happened in court I picked up my son and we went home. On the ride home it came to me! The detective did testify that he told me to be quiet and to calm down. The question came from, I don’t remember. Then later the detective was recalled to the stand and he testified that I didn’t tell him or identify the person who interfered with my progress. Time to recall Bruce (My Lawyer) and apologize for the questions that he will receive from Jeff Lowenthal. And to explain that my wife and I were having some difficulties because of the decision to put the cat down, added to the stress of the loss of the court case.
Tonight on the news I hear about how the FBI put a man in jail for 30 years and let two agents run amuck committing at least 19 murders. It was claimed that the FBI did this deliberately and our president is about to play along with this injustice. I pray that our President hears the cry for justice in our land and brings America back on track not to be an abomination unto our LORD. This was really more appalling than the hamburger incident we as Christians need to stand up and speak out against this kind of injustice it is time to clean house.
While listening to Max Bickford, they closed the show with a statement, “that in the end have left no sense of decency Sir!”
At the end of the night Denise Myers called to talk about a sewing machine that she found in a catalog, the discussion soon turned to injustices, and how any further action could affect my relationship with my family. We talked about several things and I was able to share my strong faith and convictions through this. I even shared some of the important scripture verses that are seared into my heart through all of this.
1. 1 Peter 1: 3-16
2. 1 Peter 2: 6-8
3. 2 Corinthians 10: 2-5 I should have added verse 6 as well.
1/7/02 5:50 AM
Is it not strange that these reports of injustice keep appearing on the news broadcasts?
It snowed this morning and I have much work to do before I even go into work.
In thinking about that court case I have to wonder while being told that I must have been frustrated, and if my Lawyer really understood my case he would have understood that my frustrations would have also been from the Death of my daughter’s teacher! So I show signs that I have emotions and that I am human that doesn’t make me guilty of anything.
Have a good morning America! And may God Bless our World!
3:35 PM
I called Montgomery County Court criminal division at 610- 278-3346 and I spoke with Carmella, I asked to talk to Dick Marsch the D.A. the man who I spoke with on the day of I appealed my court case. Carmella told me he would not be in his office until Thursday at 8:30 AM.
1/31/02 12:24 PM
1-14-02 through 1-28-02
What an experience I have never been so scared and so convicted as when my wife thought that I was having a nervous breakdown… She with help from my Mother the self proclaimed WITCH and so admitted. They had me involuntarily removed by the Police and committed for psychiatric evaluation. Now that I am home I am recording some of the events the traumatic removal, just because I stayed up too late on the Internet Chat room sites for Religion and Spirituality and the other site Politics. I was definitely tired as I tried to explain to everyone whom my wife had to come over and oh, how each and everyone wanted to have me committed. I was just tired… The 302 report written by my Mother was packed full of lies about me, my wife’s distress was real and she agreed to the lies because she thought that she was going to be able to help me through medications.
The Police abuse that I received, they forced their way into my house without first identifying themselves and stating that they had a search warrant for my arrest… (Based on the Lies in the 302 report) My father was in my house at the time and he can confirm what the police said and did! While getting dressed I recognized as a cooperative individual that putting cuffs on behind my back would cause a very uncomfortable ride to where ever we were going. I asked to be cuffed out front this gave the police cause to throw me on my bed, put a gun to my head and quickly remove the gun replacing said gun with an index finger, this pointed out to me as they lifted me off of my bed and carried me out of my house. I noticed my Pastor watching and smiling with intent at the whole situation. The rest of the night reads like a nightmare.
4:30 AM I woke up I went down stairs where everyone else in my family was sleeping for the night my wife did not force my daughter up to her room and later my son must have come down. These sleeping routines bother me and they always have. These routines are not a sign of a healthy family. Anyway I started in on my wife about the lies in the 302 report, and after some discussion, which we took upstairs to get away from the children, she finally spilled out that she was afraid I was having a nervous break down. That would be the motivation for her actions the fear that she felt. She then described her fears and I reassured her that I was only tired, that day. She sat up in bed and prayed and I assured her that I was concerned; she even came close to the point of accepting that there are lies in the 302 report. I comforted her and we ended up making love together. Darn that medication I was not so quick to jump the gun before being forced to take those medications. Not that my old self which is what I feel like was not quick to jump the gun I cannot wait until these medications wear off and I hope that is soon.
12:00 PM I called Jay Allen Sekulow show to see if they could help with my legal needs. They are the American Center For Law and Justice or the ACLJ for short. After talking to the interim person they pointed out that they the ACLJ could not help me and they told me to contact a local Lawyer.
12:18 PM Heading the advice of the ACLJ I called Roland and Schlegel Attorneys from Reading. After speaking with their secretary and describing some of the events that had occurred she said she would have one of their attorneys contact me latter. So here I am waiting yet again. I should add in my conversation when and if this Law firm calls, that I am also a Truck Driver.
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