Saturday, October 22, 2005

What happened in County Court a letter to the religious


WhatHappened in County Court 1-03-2002

  1. As you know I needed some real help and support! We can add my name as another "innocent victim" to be punished by our corrupt judicial system. You would think that after the events of 9-11 people would show signs of moral conscience. Instead of morality we had more perjury. But this time we were given an even more significant twist (read the list below 1-13).

  2. As a man that has attended the last two Promise Keeper rally's, I went the Distance and I tried to Turn the Tide. Why? Because I believed that I was called to do so by divine interpretation of Christian values. (From reading the Bible and interacting with other Christians and listening to wonderfully presented ministries; and oh, how each person was so in touch with the very situation I was going through).

  3. On cross examination, I spoke of being a Christian and that early in my life I made a decision to not use profanity in public. (Ever since this event, I don't think that I ever want to speak another profane word for eternity!) I used to take pride that when I pulled up on to an obscene job site suddenly, with rare exceptions the level of profanity went down. This was not because I ever said anything to make people aware that they were cursing around me, I didn't encourage others to curse and this caused the type of language used to come up out of the gutter. Now you notice I don't say I have never cursed, and I might have even joined in once in a while in private, just to show I wasn't a prude or maybe because I let my guard down. But absolutely if I didn't want to curse I could make a conscious decision not to, and that is what I did! At the scene of the accident there were definitely moments where I needed to make a conscious decision not to curse.
    My resolve was fortified by the incident 13 years ago, when I received a written warning and was told to enact legislation for stop lines to be considered the starting point of an intersection. I carried with me a desire for vindication and to expose the absurdity of the officer back then to interfere with my duties. He threaten me with a citation, after watching me sit out a traffic light 3 times due to the stalled motorist in front of me. Of course his reasoning to give me a warning (and not a citation) was because he saw me get out of my truck to help the stalled motorist. I really wish I could have stated everything just like that in court. I was able to mention about the warning but it wasn't followed up.
    On 1-4-02 as I was working, (and I don't know if it was better that I didn't have a radio with me but I did forget to bring it along today.) I was struck with a very profound thought. What does it mean to me not to use profanity? And, why do I feel this way? It seems to me this issue might just be the very start of perversion in our justice system. The issue that each and every Christian must come to grips with, is just how convicted are we not to use profanity or swear or curse? God forgive me for being weak in the court room and not standing convicted to just describe the type of language used. I was forced into actually testifying about the profanity that was yelled at me. In trying to come to a proper understanding of the situation that I was just put into and how to respond in a Christian manner I failed to be firm. The issue was that if I didn't repeat the profanity I'm sure that I was being threatened with contempt of court. It frightened me to have that thought, implied by the prosecution. If I have to testify that way again I might very well find myself in contempt of court. Because, as of today it has been written on my heart that I will not speak in that manner any more. I showed, righteous indignation at the scene, I was opposed to that type of language. And then I compromised my very own religious beliefs in court. I wish I could have had more back bone, but that wasn't the issue or precedent that I was after, I can't fix everything in one shot can I? But resisting on religious beliefs is how we stand up for Christ!
    Why didn't my Lawyer generate the petition for all the people that were so surprised to hear that I was charged with using profanity like I asked him to! You see these people (employees, former employees, employers, former employers and customers) told me that they would sign a petition to the fact that no one can remember making profane outbursts or using profanity.
    Now knocked off balance, I became ripe to be plucked, I felt compromised and that I was taken advantage of. Then the prosecutor wanted a yes or no answer to this question; "did I then calm down after the detective identified himself"? I answered the question stating that I was not upset the whole time. I started to explain and I was cut short. Upset with my answer he then expanded upon his question stating that I just testified to calming down after the detective identified himself. I saw where the prosecutor was going with his line of questioning, and I knew that he had a foot in the door to convict me for perjury. By just having my values compromised and being asked to repeat the profanity in court, I was caught off guard with misrepresented facts, I was questioned to a fact when I answered a question in general, (a statement as testified to by others was somewhat true,but not entirely) it was a very minor detail and now it was going to be used as a fact from which I could be considered a liar. (I want the transcript.)

  4. As closing arguments were given and the time came to make a decision in the matter I was fined another $100 and called a liar twice by the judge.

    1. We had a preoccupied judge, his book that he was reading was more important than listening to the facts.

    2. My Lawyer really dropped the ball, as far as I am concerned, by not contacting and bringing forth my witnesses.

      1. He didn't feel that he needed them.

      2. He didn't feel their testimony would be relevant or substantiated. That would have been acceptable if I only knew of one person at the scene, but we could have had three and a fourth to corroborate that the other officer the conspirator was also known to lie. A fifth person you'll read about latter. And we might even be able to include the prosecutions own witness described in #7. below. (Remember he knows that I was trying to help him.)

      3. He didn't study my documents very well and he didn't prepare me for what was to come. Not only that, I had a copy of every document that I gave to him, and they are in Outline form for quick reference. He should have had me use these documents on the stand. The only exception is that even on the Outline's I didn't include the verbatim account of what was yelled at me. When I wrote the Outline many months ago I knew the profanity didn't have to be repeated.

        1. When I was forced to testify to the profanity yelled at me as questioned by the prosecutor, my Lawyer never redirected my comment in return to the harassing individual, my retort is proof that I didn't use profanity, it was at this point a moment in time when I was really vulnerable to the use of profanity.

        2. Let my words spoken at the scene exonerate me. I believe my words were heard and someone of many should recall what was said. I know exactly what I said, and so does my LORD.

    3. My Lawyer explained to me that he really did not want to pursue the perjury, so now I want to take this case to Dick Marsch the D.A. that works in the office of public complaints.

    4. My Lawyer must not have understood Mr. Tran's testimony he didn't even explore that comment in #7a.

    5. I tried not to say to much, although I am surprised how much I was permitted to say. I am very aware that my testimony could have been objected to for this reason or that. I wanted to be guided, I put my faith in my counselor instead of my LORD!

  5. My Lawyer told me he wasn't happy with the judge because the judge didn't even know what my lawyer had objected to?

  6. The judge let me be heard for the most part.

  7. I don't feel that my lawyer brought out enough details that could have clarified answers to the prosecutions questions, these details would have been substantiated by the testimony of my invisible witnesses (the ones that should have been there).

  8. My wife was mad at my lawyer for not even talking to the people willing to testify on my behalf.

  9. The prosecutions witnesses;

    1. Even though the Vietnamese witness (the man that I tried to help) Mr. Tran was hard to understand;

      1. He really did, on the stand speak pretty clearly; that the detective did have opportunity to observe a harassing individual in a truck drive off making and yelling a derogatory comment. (I wonder what the court stenographer got out of his testimony?) and this time he didn't insinuate that I used profanity at all.

      2. He did have the events out of order, and some of the events were misconstrued (as in they didn't happen that way).

      3. He gave the very testimony my star witness was to give. (wait until I get a chance to view the transcript.)

    2. I wonder if Mrs. Allsop still considers my being provoked by that harassing individual as "road rage" or "self defense" as it really was.

      1. Why didn't my Lawyer recall Mrs. Allsop to question her about this if he understood we had an opportunity here as well.

    3. I can forgive these people for their misrepresentation of facts after nine months, but I was definitely insulted and disappointed when the detective couldn't or wouldn't tell the truth.

  10. The testimony of the detective started out truthful and then he went into the lies. And we had no proof in the courtroom of his flagrant misconduct (not that it couldn't be proved).
    One point to be made is that upon being recalled to testify the detective testified earlier that he didn't allow me to speak, he told me to calm down and be quiet at the seen as he was introducing himself. On this cross examination a key point brought out was that I didn't discuss with him about, and identifing the man that crossed the stop line. Now how if I was told to be quiet could I have identified a missgiving of another individual? As the detective took control and he knew everything he released the individual from the scene.

    1. The head dressing that he was wearing was a really interesting touch, self applied with wires sticking out the top.

    2. The judge and the detective had a giggle as they talked about his attire and the judge called the detective a cone head.

    3. The strange part about this is I made up a signature that said, "When the Rafters Rock and the Timbers Shake, I would stand firm on my God's Grace". (It seems that the detective has been suffering from tremors.) Isn't that strange?(And how about those two earthquakes earlier this morning?)

    4. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that his tremors were just a ploy.

    5. I wonder where his buddy was? The officer that perjured himself in District Court.

    6. I wish we could have had the fifth witness, the one that told me about the detective's reprimand in his court case. That is where the judge supposedly wrote the reprimand into the case file for his lying to her! He was caught in the past not long ago. I should have been able to access this fact from the court document. (Not having to rely on or convince someone who really doesn't want to put his statement as fact in court against the "Police". This is where our system is so corrupt. It protects the guilty and punishes the innocent and sometimes the innocent victim. What is this case really, VOCATIONAL PROFILING! I am GUILTY! because I drive a truck, and I claim Christ as my Savior.

  11. When I asked my Lawyer about those civil liberties that were violated, he tried to tell me that I came to him with those ideas. The civil liberty violations were the basis for which he told me; "I should immediately go and appeal this case".

  12. Now that this case has been heard, my obligation to my Lawyer should be finished. Even though I still have questions and if any one cares about or if they would please consider explaining to me and help me understand how First Amendment rights and Wm. Penn's 1681 New Years Eve speech or prayer could have been used to effectively bring about a moral understanding to the judge. Or even how my civil liberties were violated. Maybe I could give guidance to other individuals if anyone should ever get into a similar situation.

  13. My Lawyer tried to patronize me with the fact that the world needs more individuals like myself. He said, don't be to down trodden.

  14. ***12. I realized that this still could be used to glorify God's Kingdom, and that he is sovereign. And then I received a phone call from one of the members of our Church staff who was very encouraging and supportive as I explained what had happened.

    1. This person explained that I now know how Paul felt and after writing this document I really see what they mean.

    2. I graciously accepted that point of view and explained that my favorite verse comes from I Peter 1:3-16, I definitely feel as though I am being refined. I feel the rough edges being made smooth.

  15. One of the things that I realized after it was all over was that detective Floyd, when telling the truth, contradicted the testimony of his own witnesses. (I would really like a copy of that court transcript!)

    1. Mrs. Allsop said the detective pulled up and spoke with me in the middle of the intersection.

    2. Mr. Tran testified that the detective had me move my vehicle.

    3. But then the detective testified similarly to my version that he came up to me after I moved the Truck off to the side of the road and upon exiting my vehicle and seeing me having some kind of dispute with some other individual.

    4. In the first courtroom the judge mentioned that he didn't have any video evidence of what had happened.

      1. Three weeks prior to this incident I was inside of a camera store looking for a video camera to mount inside my truck to document some of the outrageous things people in society do to us the servants of our society. (I would like to pilot a program to show just what I am talking about.)

      2. The men driving those big vehicles are our servants, and they definitely get trodden upon. I am a servant for man and also HIS Kingdom. Look at it this way if you were a truck driver, before you get behind the wheel you will be automatically guilty if anything happens around you. You will be cursed at, you will be interfered with, cut off, passed, cut in front of, and pulled over by the police to be inspected, make one mistake and you will probably be cited. You will be required to handle the vehicle beyond the limits of physics, including stopping and starting and turning and not enough clearance in all directions, (front, side, back, up and down) it is easy to be a Christian but not when you are a professional driver. It is really no wonder why the accidents that occur on our highways do, many times it is just inches from disaster. The mariners got it right, maritime law stipulates that the larger vessel has the right of way. Consider slowing down, being courteous and leaving extra room, for a person going from here to there, with the materials we all need.

    5. I lost; an entire summer of my life due to these charges, I almost lost my job, the stress I put on my poor family, my bank account is diminished, and I am seriously disillusioned about our judicial system more so now than ever before. Everything that I was to believe this country stood for and all of the victimization I received in my past, the trials preparing me for this moment. And how many times I was punished then, for being the victim and still this hour it continues. Wouldn't I have been better off just to give in to the desires of the world, to just give the hood of the detectives car a really good kick or two. It probably would have been a lot less painful and a lot less expensive than to stand up for what I believed was right. I am almost sorry I wrote this but isn't there some real truth here?

    6. In the end I give this all over to God and his workers, my intent if I would have won I would have only kept 50%. The other 50% I was to give to many different ministries. But this is God's problem and I completely wash my hands of it, I only want to work for his kingdom. If I need to testify in truth I would. But I have no intention of taking this matter any further on my own. Will there be a book forth coming I don't know It has been quite an adventure. I can't believe how the songs and the ministries of WBYN can touch so deeply the chords of my heart. They truly are inspirational and life changing, affirming and equipping. I also want to Thank the ministering staff of my Church, and the Congregation those that suffered through my testimony, and those that didn't even know what I have been going through these past 9 months. Last Easter set a series of events in motion we just can't imagine how the LORD can use each and every one of us. I wondered what gifts did I really have, I am not certain but I feel there is a revival coming like we have never seen before, can you see it? Let's ask the restaurant owner who was jailed, because the police Chiefs hamburger was not made correctly?

After reading about this entire mess, I want you to consider HOW MANY PEOPLE could be won into the Kingdom of Christ, through the knowledge and fear of his awesome power. For if you do not fear the LORD you will TREMBLE! Think about that.

In his service, calling all people to know our LORD AND SAVIOR (This is a cry by a lamb, from the wilderness!)

Revive us Oh, LORD

Blessed be our LORD!
Keep Looking Up!
For; When the mountain trembles,
when the Rafters rock,
and the Timbers shake,
we will be able to stand firm on God's Grace.

Thank You,

Gary L


Title Page of My ebook --- - Freedom of Speech and Religion, an International Crime for the most minor offense that another person can commit!

Back To:

  1. What happened in District Court
  2. My Self
  3. Indexing and Organizing My Writings and Posts


At 11:58 AM, Blogger malp said...

"The woman who stopped so abruptly she was rear-ended."


The woman who stopped so abruptly a tailgating and distracted driver rear-ended her car.


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